
unexpressed feeling

I don’t like this feeling.

I felt like been abandon  

I know im gonna miss the  one who always pampered me, love me and spoiled me

I don’t know how to express my feeling in front you

I felt like hug you as tight as I can and said I love you like what you had did to me.

Sorry for not express my feeling is just to avoid from crying.

I don’t want them to have this bad feeling like what I had

Well I know you will come back to me very soon~

I know you will not betray me like what other did

I know you will study hard for me and for you

I know you will be missing me everyday like usual

I know you like the feeling that I express my feeling to you.

I will write my week-ry here instead of write in a diary ok?

We’re so sad because of your leaving and I know you will definitely have this kind of feeling too

You might feel more tension because all of our hope is on you.

You’re like the only 男丁in our house and we need to  send you out for our future

Hahahha~ I feel like have you now ,here with me ><

Just let me have this stupid feeling for only today, everything gonna be ok after today =)

I will be strong and tough like always

I will be waiting for you to come back

~You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split~

